Saturday, August 30, 2014

Amazing idea!

It's amazing. Find a watermelon and try to do this!
Good luck!

Try to make a table for your room!

In this photo you can see a table that is very easy to make. You can put it in your room. Follow these steps and try to make it!
Good luck!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Audi A9 Concept Car Repairs Itself And Changes Colour !!

The most amazing feature of the car is the single-piece windscreen/roof which is to be designed using a currently undiscovered nanotechnology material. This material will allow the car to repair any damage automatically as well as change color and opacity, changing visibility in both directions. The nano-material sounds very sci-fi and the cars exterior matches that theme. Moreover, the car boasts an unique ‘electronic painting’ system that allows the owner to change the vehicle exterior colour with the touch of a button. The powerhouse beneath this moving work of art will be an advanced hybrid system consisting of an internal combustion engine paired with four electric motors in the wheels. Pictures of the concept can be seen below.

Sources :

Monday, August 11, 2014

Try to make someone happy!

You can use a egge and to write something into the egge.
Try to do for someone.
Good luck!

Make a heart from rope

You can make a heart from rope.Do do this, follow these steps!
Try to do it!
Good luck!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Amazing idea for lemon!

It's an amazing idea! You can use the lemon as a perfume.
Follow these steps and try to do it!
Good luck!

Good idea for your pencil

It is a good idea for your pencil! Follow these steps!
Try to do it!
Good luck!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Amazing mini house for your cat!

This is an amazing idea to make a nice mini house for your cat. You can make it from a T-shirts.
Follow these steps and try to do it!
Good luck!

Good idea!

This is a good idea to put your picture in  your room.Follow this steps.
Try to do it!
Good luck!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Amazing idea!

In this photo is an amazing idea to decorate your lamp. Cut the bootle and put in the lamp.Try to do this.
Good luck!

Good idea!

It is a good idea. Try to do this.
Good luck!